(Revised 2008, Revised Oct 2021, Adopted: November 17, 2021)
Section 1. Name. The name of the organization is the Area Artists Association of the Lubeznik Center for the Arts, hereafter referred to as the LCA.
Section 2. Origin. Area Artists Association, hereafter referred to as the AAA, exists within the LCA and is established by authority of the Board of Trustees of the Corporation for the LCA. The AAA shall function as a body of the LCA Corporation and shall be under jurisdiction of the Corporation.
The Purpose of the Area Artists Association is to:
(a.) Increase the appreciation and recognition of local and regional member artists
through exhibitions and promotion of their work.
(b.) Support the arts in the Michiana region, which encompasses approximately a sixty-mile radius of the LCA.
(c.) Raise the level of professionalism of working member artists in our area.
(d.) Develop and promote other art-related activities.
(e.) Support the LCA
Section 1. Qualifications. All producing artists who are currently members in good standing of the LCA are eligible for membership in the AAA. Artists may apply for membership by submitting works for review at a time convenient for the committee.
Section 2. Acceptance. Acceptance in the AAA is determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 3. Dues. The annual dues for all members shall be set by AAA Executive Board policy and as approved by the AAA Membership. Notice of dues will be communicated by the LCA and must be paid by December for membership in the next year. New juried members will be accepted upon payment of dues. Dues must be paid at the same time as payment of LCA dues and will be combined into one statement. Failure to pay dues within 6 months will result in membership termination.
Section 4. Inactive membership. Artists who have not paid their dues will be considered inactive. When membership has lapsed for more than a year, the artist may be requested to rejury in order to be reinstated.
Section 1. Place of meetings. General membership meetings shall be held at the LCA unless otherwise specified by the President.
Section 2. Executive Board meetings shall be held as necessary, at a time and place acceptable to its members.
Section 3. General membership. A minimum of six general membership meetings shall be held each year. An annual meeting will be held in October. The other meetings will have programs whenever possible. The AAA Board shall establish a schedule for the following year that will be presented at the October business meeting.
Section 4. Committee meetings may be convened by the committee chairperson as required.
Section 5. Annual Meeting. An annual business meeting shall be held in October of each year, at which time the President’s and the Treasurer’s final reports shall be presented. New officers will be elected at the October meeting.
Section 6. Other meetings. Other meetings of the members may be called by the Executive Board or upon written request of ten members, upon not less that one week’s notice to the general membership.
Section 7. Quorum. Ten members shall constitute a quorum at any scheduled general meeting.
Section 8. Electronic Meetings/Voting. Meetings and voting on AAA business may be conducted by electronic means (email, teleconference, etc.) as valid under this article.
(The Executive Board)
Section 1. The Officers. The officers of the AAA shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall take office at the close of the annual meeting in October.
Section 2. Term of Office. A term of office shall be considered to be two years. An officer of the AAA may serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 3. Duties. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
(a.) The President shall be the chief executive officer and shall preside at all meetings of the membership. With the approval of the Executive Board, the President shall appoint a member to chair each committee except the Nominating Committee. The President shall be an ex-officio member of these committees. The President along with the Treasurer shall be responsible for developing a budget for the coming year. This budget will be presented at the October general business meeting after acceptance by the Executive Board. The President sits on the board of the LCA as an official board member or may appoint a representative to attend board meetings.
(b.) The Vice President shall assist the President and perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. The Vice President shall be responsible for arranging the programs for general membership meetings.
(c.) The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board, general membership and of the Executive Committee shall handle all correspondence as
(d.) The Treasurer shall keep records of all income and expenses of the AAA and be custodian of all funds collected, and shall give a full financial report at all meetings and a written report at year’s end. Monies shall be banked in a local institution with both president and Treasurer having dual responsibilities and shall coordinate with the LCA staff and the Membership Chairperson to keep an up-to-date roster of membership of the AAA.
Section 4. Nomination. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominees for the offices to be filled at the October membership meeting prior to the October meeting. (See Article VI Section 4.) All nominees must have indicated their willingness to have their names placed in nomination. Election of officers shall take place at the October meeting. Installation will be at the October general meeting.
Section 5. Vacancies. Vacated positions on the Executive Board shall be filled by appointment by vote of the Executive Board members.
Section 1. Executive Board. The Executive Board shall include the officers of the AAA and shall have the powers delegated to it by the members of the AAA. The Executive Director of the LCA shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Board. The minutes of the Executive Board shall be kept by the Secretary subject to approval at the next Executive Board meeting. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. All meetings of the Executive Board shall be open to any AAA members wishing to attend.
Section 2. Appointments. All committee chairmen with the exception of the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section 3. Purpose of Committees. There shall be such standing committees and special committees as may be required to formulate and carry into effect the interests and objectives of the AAA. Under this Article, appointments to assist the duties of the members of the Executive Board (Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, etc.) may be made by the Executive Board. These appointments however are not part of the Executive Board.
Section 4. Nominating Committee. The general membership shall select or appoint a Nominating Committee prior to the Annual Meeting. The Committee will select its own chairperson.
Section 5. Standing Committees
(a.) Exhibit chairperson shall be responsible for the organization of exhibits, the selection and schedule of exhibitors to be determined by the members. Exhibit time in the AAA gallery of the LCA will be in coordination with the LCA Executive Director. The exhibiting artist is responsible for hanging the show in cooperation with the Executive Director and the Exhibit Chairperson. No works will be accepted to show if they are not ready or suitable for hanging.
(b.) Public Relations Chairperson shall be responsible for sending out all press releases and related publicity after coordinating with the LCA Executive Director, for all meetings and special events sponsored by or on behalf of the AAA. The exhibiting artist is responsible for his or her publicity, in coordination with the Public Relations Chairperson and the LCA.
(c.) Program Chairperson shall arrange presentations to the AAA of suitable interest to the goals of AAA.
(d.) Membership Chairperson shall maintain AAA membership records including the status of dues coordinated with the AAA Treasurer and LCA.
Conduct of Business
Section 1. Status. The Area Artists Association shall work under the tax-exempt status of the Board of Trustees of the LCA. The share (5%) of members’ artwork sold at the LCA shall go to the AAA general fund for operating expenses. Membership dues received by the AAA shall be deposited in a bank account of the AAA and withdrawals there from shall be made by the Treasurer or the President with the authorization of the board, and shall be used for operational expenses or other as approved by the board.
Section 2. Sales. When exhibited works by members are sold at the LCA, 35% is retained, with 5% of that amount going to the AAA. The artist receives 65% of a sale..
Section 3. Compliance. The Bylaws as adopted shall be compliance with all local, state, federal
regulations and laws as well of the bylaws and rules of the LCA. If any portion of the AAA Bylaws are found to be in noncompliance with any of these regulations or laws, only invalidate that section or clause of the Bylaws and not the entire Bylaws as written.
The AAA Board of Directors may from time to time propose to alter, change or amend the Bylaws of the AAA. These Amendments to Bylaws must be approved by two thirds (2/3) vote of those members in good standing attending an annual meeting of the membership. Written notice of any proposed Bylaw Amendments shall be delivered to those persons eligible to vote at least one week before the meeting at which proposed Amendments are considered.